Latest Headlines
  • Emily Drabinski, ALA President & CUNY Professor, in the News

    The Graduate Center Library’s former colleague and interim Chief Librarian, Emily Drabinski, appeared on the New York Times’ Ezra Klein podcast in conversation with guest host sociologist Tressie McMillan Cottom. They discuss right-wing attacks on libraries, protecting children’s rights to read privately, and the value […]

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  • Technical difficulties - Please stand by

    Service Alert: Interlibrary Loan Notifications to Gmail

    ILL emails seem to not be delivering to gmail accounts. If you have recently missed notifications from us: 1. Log in to your ILL account to see the status of your requests. Requests in the status “Customer Notified via Email” are ready for you to […]

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  • Now Hiring! Adjunct Reference Librarian

    The Graduate Center Library seeks an Adjunct Reference Librarian to work about 10 – 15 hours spread out over 2-3 days per week. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in a fast-paced, research intensive environment – details on how to apply are below, […]

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  • poster for the film Making the Impossible Possible

    Making the Impossible Possible: The Story of Puerto Rican Studies in Brooklyn College

    We’re excited to announce that CUNY now has streaming access to the film “Making the Impossible Possible: The Story of Puerto Rican Studies in Brooklyn College.” This film can be viewed at the link above, shared in the classroom, and screened at any CUNY event […]

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  • A photograph of the Graduate Center Library's elevator.

    Elevator Undergoing Repairs

    Our historic elevator is undergoing repairs and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. However, an alternate elevator is available! Please exit the Library and visit the front desk in the Graduate Center lobby, where a Public Safety officer will escort you to the Library’s 2nd floor […]

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  • New Login Page

    A New Login Option

    In our continual pursuit to improve our users’ experience, the library is happy to announce that we have added CUNY Login as a new login option for off-campus access to databases and journals. Because many CUNY platforms and services (e.g., OneSearch, Blackboard, CUNYfirst) use CUNY […]

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  • Teaching English with Open Resources

    This is the latest in our current series of short essays by participants in the Open Knowledge Fellowship coordinated by the Mina Rees Library. Fellows share insight into the process of converting a syllabus to openly-licensed and/or zero-cost resources, as well as their experiences teaching […]

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  • Teaching General Chemistry with Open Resources

    This is the latest in our current series of short essays by participants in the Open Knowledge Fellowship coordinated by the Mina Rees Library. Fellows share insight into the process of converting a syllabus to openly-licensed and/or zero-cost resources, as well as their experiences teaching […]

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  • Imagining An Open Philosophy: Why Is It Important and What Needs to Be Done?

    This is the latest in our current series of short essays by participants in the Open Knowledge Fellowship coordinated by the Mina Rees Library. Fellows share insight into the process of converting a syllabus to openly-licensed and/or zero-cost resources, as well as their experiences teaching […]

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  • Opening Up Chaucer through OER and Digital Humanities

    This is the latest in our current series of short essays by participants in the Open Knowledge Fellowship coordinated by the Mina Rees Library. Fellows share insight into the process of converting a syllabus to openly-licensed and/or zero-cost resources, as well as their experiences teaching […]

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