Feb 24th 1-5pm Researching, Writing, and Performing the Archive

To honor the visit of performance scholar, Rommi Smith, the Graduate Center Library hosts an afternoon of discussion and performance. See below for information on two events aimed to capture performance and writing through use of archival material.

Unveiling the Archives: A Paneled Reading

Fri, Feb 24 | 1:00 pm2:30 pm

Archival research may mean writing about the life of an individual, a town, an era, a political decision. While most researchers dive into secondary source data from search engines and databases, an archival researcher creates narrative, constructs reality, and creates information. Join these panelists of various disciplines who will present their findings, archival research processes, and unveil the archive.

For details, see the full program.


The Music of the Archives: A Creative Writing Workshop

Fri, Feb 24 | 2:30pm – 5pm

Workshop Facilitator: Rommi Smith, writer and PhD Researcher, The University of Leeds, England

Together, we will explore Audre Lorde’s dictum that: ‘poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought.’ [1] How can we, as writers, or artists, or wordsmiths write the absent-presences inside the archive? How do we take what is missing: the unsaid, the silences, the gaps – and make them sing?

For details, see the full program.


[1] Audre Lorde, ‘Poetry Is Not a Luxury’, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches (Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1984), p.37.


About the Author

Wanett Clyde is the Adjunct Reference and Digital Outreach Librarian. She is also a student in the MALS program.