Updates: New Name and Account Required
SciFinder recently changed its name to CAS SciFinder-n, but you can still find it in the same place on the library’s A-Z Databases list. CAS SciFinder-n has all of the same content and functionality as its predecessor with some added features, including a new interface, an updated search algorithm, and better mobile compatibility. MIT has a helpful guide outlining some of the differences between SciFinder classic and the new SciFinder-n interface.
Account Required
Please note that if you are off-campus, you will need to use the library’s link on the A-Z Databases list to access CAS SciFinder-n. You will be prompted to log into the GC proxy first, and again to sign into your SciFinder account, which must use a .gc.cuny.edu or gradcenter.cuny.edu email address.
Are you new to SciFinder? Use the library’s registration link (also on the A-Z) to create. a new account.
Already have a SciFinder account? Make sure it uses your Graduate Center email address; if you have an account that uses another school’s email, create a new account with the GC email.
One more tip: you can save a bookmark for SciFinder in your browser. The library recommends using our dynamic “friendly URL” for the SciFinder database, which can be obtained from the A-Z by clicking on the share icon:
If you have trouble logging into SciFinder, please contact the library for help! CAS also offers help with your account and password and can be contact at [email protected].