Upcoming Downtime

Between the winter intersession (Dec. 22–Jan. 24) and the holidays, the library’s hours will be truncated in the next few weeks. If you are on your way in for some quiet study time, make sure the doors will be open when you get here!

The library will be closed—completely dark, no physical access—Dec. 24–25 and Dec. 31–Jan. 1.

The reference desk will be closed Dec. 24–Jan. 1.

Winter intersession means that the library’s hours will be shorter: 10am–9pm Monday through Friday; 10am–8pm Saturdays; 12 noon–8pm Sundays. The reference desk will only be open 11am–6pm, Monday through Friday, throughout the entire intersession.

Of course, the library’s electronic resources will still be available 24/7.


About the Author

Katherine Pradt is the Adjunct Reference and Digital Outreach Librarian at the Graduate Center.