October Workshops & Events

Queering the Map: Theoretical Reflections on Spatial Methods for Action Research

In The Practice of Everyday Life, de Certeau writes that “What the map cuts up, the story cuts across.” But what if the everyday stories you seek are already cut up by centuries of structural inequality and oppression, such as those of lesbians and queer women? In this talk on “Queering the Map,” Jack Gieseking investigates what can be gained for the study of queer lives and spaces by bringing together the isolated but overlapping stories of lesbians and queer women in maps, from the hand-drawn to the most technologically advanced and interactive.

October 2 @ 2:00 pm4:00 pm

Introduction to Library Resources

chalk-sign-resourcesAn overview of the Graduate Center Library will introduce: the library website, subject specific databases, resources beyond the GC library, sample search queries, citation management instruction overview, and archival and primary source subject-specific searching. Includes a Tour. Both evening and afternoon workshops will meet in GC Library, Room C196.05.

Evening Introduction to Library Resources
October 6 @ 6:30 pm8:00 pm

Afternoon Introduction to Library Resources
October 7 @ 1:00 pm3:00 pm

Introduction to Zotero

zotero_logo_mediumJoin us for a hands-on introduction to managing citations with Zotero, a free and open source research tool that makes organizing your research and creating bibliographies a breeze. Have a laptop?   Bring it with you so our instructors can help you get started on your own devices. Both workshops will take place in room C196.05.

Evening Introduction to Zotero for Citation Management
October 13 @ 6:30 pm8:00 pm

Afternoon Introduction to Zotero for Citation Management
October 14 @ 1:00 pm3:00 pm

Intro to Archival Research

Learn the basics of archival research in this hands-on workshop.  We’ll cover what archives are and how they are arranged, where and how to look for sources, and what to expect when you visit an archival repository.

This workshop is in tandem with New York Archives Week.

Possible topics covered will include: Overview of archival research; Examples of research projects using archival materials; Preparation for entering the Archive; Components of archival collections; Considerations for archival materials; Archival expectations; Handling archival materials; Contextualizing findings; Access vs. use & permissions; Resources to archives (Where to begin); Archival databases; Local archives; and Digital archives

This workshop is held in a computer classroom and is taught by Donna Davey, Archivist and new GC Librarian. Learn more about Donna here.

October 20 @ 6:00 pm8:00 pm

Introduction to GIS Workshops Fall 2015

This is a day-long (9am to 4:30pm) event that takes place on a Friday at Baruch College.

Do you have a research question that you’d like to envision geographically? Maybe you’d like to study neighborhoods and businesses to target a market. Or perhaps you want to visualize the distribution of education, employment, or resources across the country or around the world. Have you ever wanted to add a map to your presentations or reports, but couldn’t find one that suits your needs?

This practicum introduces participants to geographic information systems (GIS) as a concept for envisioning information and as a tool for conducting geographic analyses and creating maps. Participants will learn how to navigate a GIS interface, how to prepare map layers and conduct a basic geographic analysis, and how to create thematic maps using the open source software QGIS.

To register, click here: http://guides.newman.baruch.cuny.edu/gis/gisprac

October 23 @ 9:00 am4:30 pm | $30
Baruch College

Who Owns Your Journal Article: You or the Publisher?

OAlock-label-authors-rightsWhen you publish a journal article, you sign a copyright agreement. Do you know what you’re agreeing to when you sign it?

Different journals have different policies: Some journals require you to relinquish your copyright. (You then have to ask permission or even pay to share your article with students and colleagues!) Some journals allow you to retain some rights (e.g., the right to post online). Some journals leave copyright in your hands. (You simply give the journal a non-exclusive license to publish the article.)
How can you find out a journal’s policy? How can you negotiate your contract to make the most of your rights as a scholar, researcher, and author? Come learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.

Led by Jill Cirasella, Associate Librarian for Public Services and Scholarly Communication at the Graduate Center. Open to students, faculty, staff, and anyone from the CUNY community who has questions about their rights as authors, open access publishing, or scholarly communication.

Who Owns Your Journal Article: You or the Publisher? (evening)
October 27 @ 6:30 pm8:00 pm

Who Owns Your Journal Article: You or the Publisher? (afternoon)
October 28 @ 1:00 pm2:30 pm

About the Author

Stephen Zweibel is Digital Scholarship Librarian at The Graduate Center.