It’s back, by popular demand! The library’s journal search tool is now easier to find, and you can perform a search right on the library website, without first having to go to a separate page. Simply click the “Journals” tab from the central tabbed box, and you can search for an individual journal by title or ISSN (the eight-digit number used to uniquely identify periodicals).
After you search, you’ll see a page informing you whether we have the journal, and, if so, in what database(s) and for what years. (Of course, if we don’t have the journal you’re looking for, you can always request the articles you need from Interlibrary Loan!)
The “Journals” tab replaces the “Other Searches” tab, which you let us know was unclear and confusing. But rest assured that every link that previously appeared under “Other Searches” now appears under either “Catalog” or “Databases.” For example, OneSearch (learn about OneSearch), WorldCat, and the New York Public Library Catalog now appear under the “Catalog” tab, and Subject Guides and Google Scholar now appear under the “Databases” tab.
As you may recall, the library rolled out its new website over the summer — but that doesn’t mean the website is final and forever fixed! We strive to make the site as clear and user-friendly as possible, and we plan to make incremental improvements based on user feedback. If you’d like to share your thoughts about this most recent change or suggest a further improvement, let us know by sending an email to [email protected].