Interlibrary Loan: Save Your Request History by December 23, 2023

At the Graduate Center Library, we do a periodic delinking (twice a year) of finished ILL requests. To preserve library user privacy, we detach records of requests from the usernames of the requesters in our database. We’ll have statistics, but we (and you) will not have information about who requested what material in the ILL system.

If you would like to keep a record of your past Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request history for future reference, please be sure to download it before DECEMBER 23, 2023.

After we delink, you will have access to only to approximately the last six months of finished requests in your ILL account history. (Only requests from July 1, 2023 will be kept in your ILL account.)

Also, while your Interlibrary Loan request history is one way of accumulating bibliographical information, a better way to keep track of your ILL requests and all other citations you find or use is a citation manager like Zotero. The GC Library offers regular hands-on Zotero drop-in help. If no sessions are offered at a time that works for you, please contact your subject librarian.

Meanwhile, if you would like to keep a record your older ILL requests, just follow the instructions below before access to the records is gone.

How to Keep Your ILL Requests/History

        1.      Login to your GC ILL account.

        2.      Click on History > All Requests.        3.      Select, copy and paste into any application of your choice.


Email us at [email protected] by December 23 to get an Excel file of all the requests currently in your account with full citations.


The ILL team

About the Author

Resource Sharing Librarian, Graduate Center Library.