An Update from Emily Drabinski, Interim Chief Librarian

Headshot of Emily DrabinskiWelcome to the Spring semester from the Mina Rees Library! We are excited to welcome you back and have some highlights to share.

Haven’t been here in awhile? Sign up for an in-person tour of the Library, Introduction to the Library workshops, and kickstart Zotero for your research management. Learn more on our events calendar.

Spring library hours are 9am to 9pm Monday-Friday and Noon to 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays. In person Reference Desk and research support services will be available on the Second floor, Noon-5pm on weekdays and by appointment. Find your librarian liaison here.

We continue to offer robust and responsive support for research and scholarly publishing for GC students and faculty. Librarians are available for one-on-one consultations about a wide range of issues including open access, copyright/fair use, publication contracts, open educational resources, data management, and digital scholarship. Learn more about our services here:

We remain committed to scholarship for the public good and encourage all student, faculty, and staff researchers to share their scholarly, creative, and pedagogical works on CUNY Academic Works. This open repository maximizes access to your scholarship for readers around the world. Find out more here.

Our partners at New York Public Library’s Center for Research in the Humanities offer admission-by-application study rooms for writers and scholars, including Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students. Students must be Ph.D. candidates to qualify. See details about the application process here and contact [email protected] with any questions.

The Library has partnered with the American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning to develop the CUNY Digital History Archive. We are also pleased to announce two LGBTQIA Consortium Fellowships that represent the unique and ongoing partnership between the Mina Rees Library, CDHA, and CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies. This opportunity is made possible through the generous support of LaGuardia Community College and the New York City Council. Fellows will work collaboratively to create a public-facing digital exhibit showcasing materials from the CLAGS Archive, to be featured on the CDHA in Spring 2022.

Finally, we want to remind everyone that our ability to welcome the community into the library depends on all of us doing our part to keep each other safe. Wear a mask, observe distancing protocols when necessary, and stay home if you’re feeling sick.

See you in the library soon!

Emily Drabinski

Interim Chief Librarian

About the Author

Emily Drabinski is an Associate Professor and Critical Pedagogy Librarian at the Graduate Center library.