Interlibrary Loan: Access the World’s Library Resources from the GC

When you need information and cannot access it through our library’s print collection or online resources, interlibrary loan is here to help. We encourage you to make ILL requests directly from library databases or from the library’s website.

  • Interlibrary loan is free and easy…just make a request and we will email you when the material is available.
  • Articles, chapter scans and other PDFs requested via interlibrary loan arrive quickly–often in hours.
  • You can also request that we scan chapters of books that we own at the GC Library.
  • Physical materials requested via interlibrary (books, audio-visual materials, etc.) will be held for you at the GC Library’s Circulation Desk.
  • Even when the material you need is rare, we search extensively, around the world, to try to borrow it for you. (It just may take longer to arrive!)
  • We cannot always get you everything, but we can help connect you to other sources of information or give you more details about accessing information in other ways…so it is always worth making a request.

 Our ILL team is here to help. So, if you have any questions about ILL, please email us at [email protected].


About the Author

Resource Sharing Librarian, Graduate Center Library.