Science Research Series, February–March

We know that scientists have a very particular set of research needs. In recognition of this, science librarian Mason Brown has organized a science-specific series of library skills workshops. These workshops are geared to science students and faculty, but they are open to all.​

To register for any workshop, click the link in either the title or the date of the event.

All events in this series will be held in room 4102.

Advanced Web of Science Searching

Tuesday, February 11, 11:00 am12:00 pm

This workshop will cover advanced searching skills in Web of Science. Topics covered will include:

  • Fast and efficient searching
  • Citation searching
  • Grant funding information
  • Setting up search alerts
  • Author and affiliation searching

Intro to Zotero for Science Students

Tuesday, March 10, 11:00 am–12:00 pm

This workshop will teach you how to use Zotero, free open-source software that can manage your research and create your bibliographies. We will create accounts, install the software, and get you started in using this time-saving tool.

Please bring your laptop to this session.

Open Access Publishing and Institutional Repository Use

Tuesday, March 31, 11:00 am–12:00 pm

This workshop will introduce the idea of Open Access Publishing and Institutional Repositories. We will talk about how you can use these tools to both publish and publicize your own research, and also how you can use them to find work that other scholars have made available.


PHOTO: Published under CC0 license via Maxpixels.

About the Author

Katherine Pradt is the Adjunct Reference and Digital Outreach Librarian at the Graduate Center.