The Graduate Center Library:
Deadline to submit: Monday, December 17th, 2018, midnight
Open Pedagogy Fellowships
The Library seeks applications for up to ten Open Pedagogy Fellows for the Spring 2019 semester, each carrying a $2500 stipend. The Fellowship experience will enhance participants’ understanding of open pedagogy and their ability to employ elements of open pedagogy in their teaching. Throughout the Fellowship, a variety of concepts relating to open pedagogy will be introduced, including but not limited to: evaluating, supplementing, and teaching with Open Educational Resources (OER), integrating zero-cost course materials, and licensing, copyright, and fair use as it pertains to OER.
What happens during the fellowship?
- Fellows are required to attend and participate in two events:
- Four-day OER Boot Camp (Jan 10, 11, 14, and 15 ) for an intensive introduction to a range of OER and open pedagogy topics, as well as advisement on the syllabus-conversion project described in (2)-(5) below.
- Open Pedagogy Symposium (Friday, May 3, 2019): Fellows will be expected to attend, and a select few will have the opportunity to present.
- Fellows will create an OER / zero-cost syllabus to replace an existing syllabus for a course that will be taught in Spring 2019 – or – that was previously taught in Fall 2018 and is expected to be taught again.
- Fellows will post their converted syllabus to the CUNY Academic Works institutional repository.
- Fellows will submit at least one edited short written reflection on the experience of converting a traditional syllabus into an OER / zero-cost syllabus, and on the pedagogical opportunities afforded by the converted syllabus to be posted on the GC Library blog.
- Fellows will have the opportunity to receive one-on-one consultations with a liaison librarian for continued OER training throughout the semester.
Who is Eligible to apply?
Graduate Center doctoral students who were/are adjunct faculty to CUNY undergraduate students in Fall 2018 or Spring 2019 are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to adjuncts who will be able to teach in Spring 2019 using the OER / zero-cost syllabus they create, but all eligible adjuncts will be considered.
Fellowship Calendar:
- Submission Deadline: Monday, December 17th, 2018
- Notification of accepted fellows: Friday, December 21st
- Four-day OER Boot Camp at the Graduate Center (24 hours)
- Thursday, January 10th – 10am to 4pm
- Friday, January 11th – 10am to 4pm
- Monday, January 14th – 10am to 4pm
- Tuesday, January 15th – 10am to 4pm
- Throughout the Spring 2019 semester (29 hours)
- Creation of OER / zero-cost syllabus
- Implementation of OER / zero-cost syllabus (where applicable)
- One-on-one support from liaison librarian on the syllabus conversion
- Submission of at least one short reflective essay on their syllabus conversion
- Open Pedagogy Symposium at the Graduate Center (6 hours)
- Friday, May 3rd, 2019
Payment Schedule:
Fellows will be appointed under a 59-hour contract as NTAs (Non-Teaching Adjuncts) with the Graduate Center Library for the Spring 2019 semester.
Submit your application
Application Requirements:
- Completed application form
- Course syllabus
- CV or resume
For questions or concerns, email both Shawnta Smith-Cruz, Head of Reference and Elvis Bakaitis, Adjunct Reference Librarian at [email protected] and [email protected]