It’s fair to say that half a million of anything is a lot. So, having just processed our 500,000th interlibrary loan transaction using ILLiad software, we congratulate everyone in the GC Library and the ILL department!
Actually, this milestone was requested by an ILL office College Assistant and processed by another one, so thank you and congratulations to Herbie Pollard and Diana Teeter, in particular. We, of course, do not share the details of any ILL request, but Herbie says “…it’s a pretty good book (or so citations have told me)”!
We also want to remind everyone about the services that we in the ILL department provide to all of you in the GC community:
Interlibrary Loan
- If another library has material you need, we will ask for it. Of course, it’s up to the lending libraries as to whether they will provide it…but requesting is easy, so it’s always worth a try! You can make a request directly from many databases (look for Find It, Request via ILL, or more Options links) or from our library’s website, or you can always contact us at [email protected].
Open Access Resources
- If a book or any resource has been digitized or posted online, then we will find it and send you the link.
Locally Available Resources
- If a book you request is owned by our library, we will let you know the call number.
- If we have access to the resource digitally, then we will let you know how to connect to it directly.
- If you just need a chapter or an article we will “Scan and Deliver” it. Just make a request as you would for ILL, and we will send it to you.
- If you’re not sure whether we can help with any particular information need, please just ask! We also help find author contacts, initiate purchase requests, and track down bibliographic mysteries!