The world has a new open access journal — and a much-needed one, to boot! The journal is Art History Pedagogy and Practice (AHPP), published by Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR), an open educational resource initially created by Graduate Center students that has flourished into a remarkably rich site with dozens of contributors.
AHPP came about because the astute editors of AHTR wanted to address the paucity of literature about the teaching and learning of art history. Funded by the Kress foundation, they researched the appetite for scholarship of teaching and learning in art history (SoTH-AH), wrote an excellent white paper demonstrating the need for a journal devoted to SoTH-AH, and resolved to create AHPP. A short time later, they joined forces with the Graduate Center Library and CUNY’s Office of Library Services to bring AHPP to life on the Digital Commons platform, which it shares with CUNY Academic Works.
Want to know more? Read the full announcement, and share the call for papers
for the inaugural issue with art historians near and far!