Working Papers + Academic Works

Many Graduate Center programs and centers regularly release working papers, technical reports, or other publications. Does yours? If so, we encourage you to contact the library about maximizing the papers’ discoverability and online longevity by including them in CUNY Academic Works, CUNY’s open access repository.

The library is already working with two programs to give their publications a long-term home in Academic Works:

  • The Economics program recently created a Working Papers series that features the research of faculty, students, and alumni of the program. GC-affiliated economics researchers can submit papers via the submission form on the Economics program site. Accepted papers are published on the Economics program website and included in Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), a huge online index of economics literature that’s essential to economics researchers. All papers are also archived in the Economic Working Papers section of CUNY Academic Works, which improves the papers’ discoverability on Google and Google Scholar, makes them findable by the widest possible audience, and ensures their long-term availability.
  • For years, the Computer Science program maintained a technical reports server with papers by GC faculty, students, and others. Last year, the server was retired, the entire collection of technical reports was moved to Academic Works, and URL redirects were set up to direct anyone headed to the former server to the new home of the technical reports.

Does your program or center have a working paper or technical reports series, or has there been interest in starting one? Do you have documents posted on the GC website that you’d like to make available on an long-term basis, even if the GC website is reorganized?

If so, contact [email protected] to discuss how to publish and disseminate them most effectively on Academic Works! Also, if you’re interested in setting up a submission form and departmental approval mechanisms like the Economics program devised, they’d be happy to share their methods too!


Photo © Valentin Ottone, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

About the Author

Jill Cirasella is the Scholarly Communication Librarian and University Liaison at the CUNY Graduate Center.