The GC Library welcomes Silvia (Jooah) Cho, who is joining us as our Interlibrary Loan Supervisor. As of October 21, Silvia will oversee the daily operations of the Interlibrary Loan office, under the direction of Professor Beth Posner, Head of Library Resource Sharing. She will ensure timely processing and delivery of information and materials, monitor service quality, and collaborate with the rest of the library staff and our partners at other libraries to maintain excellent service and enhance user experience. Should you have any questions or problems using Interlibrary Loan, please email Silvia at [email protected], call 212-817-7045, or drop by Room 1100.06 (the last door on the first floor of the library). Silvia, and the rest of the ILL staff, will be happy to help.
Silvia’s experience in ILL services began at the Graduate Center Library, when she worked as a College Assistant. During that time, she became increasingly committed to the mission of interlibrary loan work – to connect people and information – as well as energized by the combination of technological, operational and service challenges that it presents. After completing her Master’s in Library Science at Queens College, she went to work at Baruch as their Resource Sharing Coordinator. With that experience under her belt, she is now returning to the Graduate Center where she is excited to work with our dynamic intellectual community and to help further our vision of supporting scholarship and research of the highest caliber.
Knowledge sharing and collaboration is at the core of Resource Sharing effectiveness and growth, and Silvia is actively engaged in the professional community, currently serving as a co-chair of LACUNY’s Interlibrary Loan Roundtable. She holds a Master’s degree in Library Science from Queens College (thesis: Multicultural Users’ Library Use Patterns: A Survey at Queens College, CUNY) and a Bachelor’s in Political Science from Hunter College. She is fluent in Spanish and Korean, and in addition to library science, she is interested in migration issues, language and identity, and sociolinguistics.