Meet the Curators: An Introduction to NYPL’s Research Collections & Services took place on Sept. 16, 2013. Librarians and curators from New York Public Library’s research libraries (Stephen A. Schwarzman Building Humanities and Social Sciences Library , Library for the Performing Arts, and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture) spoke about resources and services available to Graduate Center students and faculty. Missed the event? Don’t despair! The full program can be viewed here (presentations begin at 17 min 25 sec). There will also be follow-up workshops throughout the semester. Visit the GC Library events calendar in the next week for details.
Highlights from the event: Rebecca Federman, Electronic Resources Coordinator, discussed how to request scans of offsite materials and demoed several NYPL newspaper databases. Mary Jones, Librarian at the General Research Division, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, talked about enhanced GC borrowing privileges at the NYPL and the MaRLI program. Denise Hibay, Susan and Douglas Dillon Head of Collection Development, shared information about the foreign language collections at NYPL, and Victoria Steele, Brooke Russell Astor Director of Collections Strategy led a panel discussion on special collections with Jonathan Hiam, Curator, American Music collection and the Rodgers & Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound and Annemarie van Roessel, Assistant Curator, Billy Rose Theatre Division from the Library for the Performing Arts, and Sharon Howard, Assistant Chief Librarian, and Steven Fullwood, Assistant Curator, at the Schomburg Center.

Graduate Center Chief Librarian Polly Thistlethwaite introduces the panel of librarians and curators from the NYPL Schwarzman Building. From left: Rebecca Federman, Electronic Resources Coordinator, Thomas Lannon, Assistant Curator, Manuscripts and Archives, Denise Hibay, Head of Collection Development, Mary Jones, Librarian, General Research Division, Jason Baumann, Coordinator Collection Assessment and LGBT Collections, and Victoria Steele, Director of Collections Strategy.

From left: Rebecca Federman, Electronic Resources Coordinator, NYPL, and Amy Ballmer, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Graduate Center

Representatives from the Schomburg Center. From left: Sharon Howard, Assistant Chief Librarian, Research and Reference, Steven Fullwood, Assistant Curator, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books, and Maira Liriano, Associate Chief Librarian of Reference.