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Data for Social Research 3: Mapping Data – 6:30pm

Data for Social Research Part 3: Mapping Data  Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 6:30-8:00 pm  Location C196.03 The Graduate Center Library offers a series of workshops on data mapping and GIS sources. The third in the series, Mapping Data, explore both free and subscription GIS resources […]

Data for Social Research 2: Analyzing & Visualizing Data – 6:30pm

Data for Social Research Part 2: Analyzing and Visualizing Data  Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 6:30-8:00pm Location: C196.03 The Graduate Center Library offers a series of workshops on data mapping and GIS sources. The second in the series, Analyzing and Visualizing Data,reviews web applications and software […]

Data for Social Research 1: Finding Data – 6:30pm

Data for Social Research Part 1: Finding Data  October 15th, 2014, 6:30 – 8:00pm Location: C196.05 The Graduate Center Library offers a series of workshops on data mapping and GIS sources. The first in the series, Finding Data introduces sources of data (demographic, economic, and social data) applied […]

Looking for events around town?

The library offers several workshops which are listed on this calendar, but you might also be interested in checking out these other events listings:

About the Author

Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz is an Assistant Professor and Head of Reference at the Graduate Center Library.