CUNY Academic Works: New Look!

CUNY Academic WorksYou may be familiar with CUNY Academic Works, the online repository where members of the CUNY community can share their scholarly, creative, and pedagogical works with the public.

CUNY Academic Works launched in 2015, and until last week it looked like a website from, well, 2015. But, at long last, Academic Works has received a makeover and now looks and feels like other websites from the CUNYverse.

Of course, what’s really important about Academic Works isn’t its appearance but the wealth of CUNY-authored materials it contains (32,419 items and counting!) and the way it connects these materials to readers worldwide (16,500,694 downloads and counting!). In other words: CUNY Academic Works — new logo, new look, same great repository!

Not yet familiar with CUNY Academic Works? Here’s what you need to know:

  • CUNY Academic Works collects and provides public access to scholarly, creative, and pedagogical works by CUNY researchers (faculty, students, and staff).
  • Only the CUNY community can upload works, but everyone everywhere can access and download them.
  • Making your work publicly accessible online makes it available to students, scholars, teachers, and others who wouldn’t otherwise have access.
  • Posting works to Academic Works makes them more findable by Google Scholar and other search tools, and helps you find the widest possible audience for your work.
  • Academic Works sends you download reports every month, and you can log in to your account to see a more detailed download dashboard. These tools help you better understand your work’s impact!
  • For detailed upload instructions, consult the library’s guide to Academic Works. If you have questions about whether publishers you’ve worked with will allow you to upload your publications, or any other questions, email [email protected].

About the Author

Jill Cirasella is the Scholarly Communication Librarian and University Liaison at the CUNY Graduate Center.