This post is the latest in a series designed to keep the Graduate Center community updated about our collections; focused primarily on electronic resources available through the Graduate Center Library.
New Databases:
(These and all other Graduate Center Library databases can be found on our full A-Z list)
- While we have had access to the Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals/Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM) index in the past, we now subscribe to RIPM Full Text, which includes both the Online Archive of Music Periodicals and e-Library of Music Periodicals. For more information about these tools, see this summary.
New Journals:
- Mobilization (1996 to the present)
- Through November 11, we have a trial for Illustrated Civil War Newspapers & Magazines
- Until October 15, we also have on-campus trials for two SAGE databases: SAGE Business Researcher and SAGE Video
A word of caution:
This year we are facing evaluations of our collections and offerings, and we anticipate there could be cuts to our electronic resources in the months ahead. We will keep the GC community informed about these tough decisions and as always will do our best to assist with your research needs and to continue to be responsive and conversational about our collections.