In order to accommodate the September 14 and 15 holiday and the impressive volume of graduating Graduate Center students, the Graduate Center has extended the thesis and dissertation deposit deadline for the fall 2015 degree for a 2nd time, now to Friday, September 18, 2015.
The dissertation assistant will take final appointments on September 16, 17, and 18, but there will be no appointments on the 14th or 15th.
Following the close of the fall 2015 deposit period, procedures for thesis and dissertation deposit will change significantly. To accommodate these changes, the deposit period for the February 2016 degree will not open until mid-October, 2015. February degree deposits will be open until the end of January, 2016.
[Update 9/21/15: deposit procedures for the February degree will remain the same starting in October, but significant updates are pending. Stay tuned for updates a they develop.]
For complete instructions and details, see the Dissertations & Theses deposit guide.
(updated 9/11/15 to reflect a second extension from September 17 to September 18)