November Workshops: Citation Managers, Data Management, Research Metrics and more

Learn about new tools for research, data management, and organization at these upcoming library workshops.


Reference Management Tools: Organize References and Generate Bibliographies and Citations

The library is offering hands-on training of the citation managers Zotero and RefWorks Nov. 11-13. Both Zotero and RefWorks provide an easy solution to managing pdfs and citations.  They also make creating bibliographies and entering references into papers a breeze.

What: Zotero for the Sciences When: Monday, Nov. 11, 12-1 pm

What: Zotero for the Health Sciences When: Monday, Nov. 11, 6.30-7.30 pm

What: Zotero for the Social Sciences When: Tuesday, Nov. 12, 12-1 pm

What: Zotero for the Humanities When: Tuesday, Nov. 12, 6.30-7.30 pm

What: Advanced RefWorks When: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 12-1 pm

What: Advanced Zotero When: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 6.30-7.30 pm

RSVP: Shawnta Smith,


Planning for Data Management

This workshop introduces best practices for managing and preserving your research data, as well as what federal granting agencies (NSF/NIH) are looking for in your data management plan.

When: Thursday, Nov. 14, 4.15-5.15pm OR Thursday, Nov. 21, 6.30-7.30 pm



Intro to ArcGIS

This workshop will introduce the ArcMap user interface and the fundamentals of interacting with spatial datasets in ArcGIS mapping software.

When: Thursday, Nov. 14, 6.30-7.30 pm



Research Metrics for the Rest of Us

Come learn how scholarly output is measured (through impact factors, citation counts, h-index and more!) and why it matters for you

When: Thursday, Nov. 21, 4.15-5.15 pm



Research in Art and Art History: An Orientation to Resources at the New York Public Library (this workshop takes place at the NYPL)  Wednesday, Nov. 20th 6-7 pm

Librarians and curators from the Art & Architecture and Photography Divisions will go over how to locate items across the Library’s special collections, begin more specific research in rare books and archives, and navigate the NYPL’s research centers. Information will also be provided about subject specific full text databases not available at the Graduate Center.

When: Wednesday, Nov. 20th 6-7 pm

Where: South Court Classrooms on the first floor of the StephenA.SchwarzmanBuilding on Fifth Ave. & 42nd St.

RSVP: Brooke Watkins at or 212.930.0033 and include both your name and your research interests

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